FrameXX CONTROL cloud

Additional software licenses for FrameXX Home or Sign are available for remote control and monitoring. This platform-independent cloud solution is accessible from anywhere via the internet; this makes remote control management with multiple devices quick and easy. A two-year, low-priced PRO license is essential for each FrameXX but can be transferred between devices. Cloud control is an effortless technology that will allow you to manage your devices with ease.

FrameXX Control Pro will allow

  • Centralized monitoring and administration facilities
  • Remote control
  • Control of individual devices and groups
  • Creating playlists (Drag and Drop)
  • Remote settings (even detailed device parameters and groups)
  • Full-screen presentations archiving
  • For greater safety, possibility to use of private FTP server for device management and display content
  • 2 levels of access – FREE (includes basic settings and device status), PRO (full functionality)

One time fee for obtaining a license, the license is transferable to any device (the number of active licenses corresponds to the number of devices with full access at any given moment, the license can be transferred between devices)


More information





  • The basic view of all devices/groups from one account


  • Basic settings of individual devices/groups


  • Single device/group detailed settings, options to set Timers, Remote file operations…




  • Working with Playlists, creating, editing



  • History of presentations at one device, a detailed listing of one presentation (can be exported to file)


